Tuesday, July 26, 2011

An Introduction

My name is Amber.  I am 29 years old, 2 months into my 3rd year of medical school, 8 months married, and 20 weeks pregnant for the 1st time... with twins.  In my past life (that is my pre-marriage, pre-med school, pre-pregnancy life), I occasionally made posts on a blog entitled "Amber Opines".  The blog was largely a forum for me to respond as coherently as possible any time I felt that somebody was wrong on the internet.

My goal with this new blog is to narrow my focus to the two subjects which most preoccupy my thoughts at present: medicine and parenting.  I am a student of both, so I make no promise of special expertise.  But I do promise that any medical comments I make will be evidence-based and any opinions I express will be presented as such.  As for parenting, perhaps reading about my husband's and my misadventures will provide a few laughs.  Mostly I just want a forum to gush about my children to a willing audience.

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