Monday, February 13, 2012

How amazing is my husband?

When I returned to clinical rotations 4 weeks ago, I met two other female students who were also beginning rotations at the same hospital.  While we waited to get our paperwork and badges completed, we chatted, and I mentioned that I had 8-week-old twins at home.  One of the students gaped and said, "How do you do it?  How do you manage school with pregnancy and now having twins?"  Before I could answer, the other student said, "The real question is, 'How amazing is your husband?'"  I smiled, grateful that she had asked the question that made my answer so easy.  "So amazing," I said.  And I meant it.

In honor of Valentine's Day, I just wanted to take a moment to brag on my husband. He's handsome and smart (complete with an advanced degree), he can fix anything (eg. my computer, my car) and he enjoys baking French pastries from scratch.  In my first two years of medical school, he cooked dinners while I studied, gave me frequent back massages and always let me pick the movie to watch after an exam, even if it was a chick flick.  While I was pregnant, he massaged my feet every day and baked cookies for me in the middle of the night if I had a craving.  And now that the twins are here, he stays up late each night so I can get enough sleep to function the next day.  I used to say that his one flaw was that he was impossibly cranky when he first woke up in the morning.  But somehow, he's managed to overcome even that, which is remarkable considering that he is getting less sleep than ever.  (It probably doesn't hurt that Eva grins from ear to ear when she sees him leaning over the crib at the crack of dawn.)

So, how do I manage juggling school and pregnancy and babies?  The real question is, "How amazing is my husband?"  So amazing.

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